What are your minimum requirements for camp registration?
A camper’s session can range anywhere from 3 to 10 weeks. Our minimum requirement is 3 weeks of attendance for our 5-day program and 5 weeks or more for our 4 & 3-day enrollment options. We recommend campers attend for at least 4 weeks. This provides your child/children adequate time to become part of the Camp Coconuts community and develop strong, meaningful relationships with other campers and our Coaches. With each camper enrollment at least two weeks of attendance must be consecutive.
What is the age range of your campers?
Our youngest campers are Pre-K (4 years old, MUST be potty trained); our oldest campers are in 9th grade (14 years old).
How are campers grouped?
Campers are grouped by the grade level they enter the upcoming school year and gender.
How many campers will be in my child’s group/bunk?
The typical group consists of 12-20 campers of the same gender and grade/age.
How many team members supervise each group?
We maintain a minimum ratio of 1:8 for our older campers and 1:5 for our younger campers. Each group is supervised by a Head Coach (college age or older), Junior Coach (high school juniors or seniors), and Counselor in Training. Camper Leaders in Training (LITs) also assist with camper’s activities but are not included in the supervision ratio. Groups max out around 20 campers. Larger groups will have more coaches.
What are your camp hours?
The camp day runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Do you offer “Before and After” hours of care?
Yes, we offer before care and aftercare, allowing campers to extend their camp day from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Families can book extended care for the additional hours they need. Pre-registration required.
What is the cost of extended care?
Before care $15/day/child; Aftercare $15/day/child.; Before and after care $25/day/child.
Where does before and after care take place?
Before and aftercare is offered in both Middletown and Marlboro.
How do kids get to camp?
Campers can arrive at camp via family drop-off directly at 134 Vanderburg Rd, Marlboro, NJ 07746 or via our Central Bus Stops.
Do you offer transportation?
Yes! Our Central Transportation options make getting to and from camp efficient! Central is the most popular transportation option among our Camp Coconuts families. Based on camp families’ locations, we’ve designated numerous shopping centers, schools, and street corners as “central locations.” These designated drop-off and pick-up spots are strategically located. Central transportation is available as an optional add-on. Enroll early to secure your spot and save!
Snacks, Refilling Water Stations, & Lunch
Campers should arrive each day with snacks, refillable water bottle, and lunch. Refilling water stations are available through out camp. On select days an optional 'buy' lunch option will be available. On select special event days and trips lunch may be provided.
Do campers receive swim lessons?
Instructional Swim Lessons are included in camper programming for groups grades Pre-K through 3rd grade. All campers, regardless of age, have a daily free swim. All campers will have their swim ability tested by the aquatics team before swimming.
Do you have medical personnel on your staff?
We have a camp nurse on staff. All staff is trained and certified in AED & CPR. Several team members are certified in Epi-Pen administration.
Who teaches the daily camp activities?
Activities such as swim lessons, martial arts, arts and crafts, sports and games, archery, music, theater, and dance are led by qualified instructors with the training, certifications, and/or teaching & professional experience in their focus area.
What activities will campers do during inclement weather days?
In the event of inclement weather, we have secondary schedules for group programming and indoor air-conditioned programming spaces.
Do you apply sunscreen?
We ask that parents apply sunscreen at home before sending their children to camp. Throughout the day, there are regularly scheduled times for the reapplication of sunscreen. We ask that campers bring their own sunscreen labeled with their name. We always have extra sunscreen on hand but ask that each camper bring their own. If your child is fair-skinned, we highly recommend the additional use of rash guards and hats. Please remember that sunburn often does not show itself until campers (like adults) are out of the direct sun. Please remind your child of the importance of reapplying sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and hydrating throughout the camp day.
Excursions…that’s right, weekly trips?
By enrolling your camper in our optional excursions, they will attend an age-appropriate excursion each week. Campers must bring their lunch on all scheduled excursions unless otherwise specified. We will notify families if a group lunch option is offered on a trip day. Campers who wish to attend are recommended to remain home for the day, or they will be placed with a younger or older grade group for camp day programming. Excursion pricing can range between $35-$75, depending on the venue.
Are you able to swap days of attendance or makeup days missed?
No swapping of days or attendance or makeup days for missed camp.
Can a camper be picked up early from camp?
Early pickups disrupt our camper's programming and create logistical challenges. We can not accommodate consistent early departures for campers. If you wish to arrange an early pickup, you must notify the office 24 hours in advance, pick up before 2:30 pm, and arrive 15 minutes before the pick-up time. This allows for ample time to notify staff members, prepare for the camper's early dismissal with their scheduled programming, and not interfere with end-of-the-day camper dismissal. Please note that we cannot offer late arrival or early departure on your child’s scheduled excursion days.
Do you offer a Leader in Training Program?
Our LIT program is designed to allow mature 8th & 9th-grade campers to experience camp in an assistant leadership role. LITs will participate in this role for half of the camp day. This program requires the individual to be patient with children and desire to be in a leadership training role. While no prior experience is necessary, our LITs will work under the supervision of our coaches, assisting them with daily activities. Prospective candidates can apply online at campcoconuts.com. LITs will receive a discount on summer tuition for participation and acceptance into the program.
What should campers bring each day and for special activities?
Please see our Camper Checklist.
Are cell phones permitted at camp?
Cell phones or Apple watches are not permitted at camp. Please contact the camp office if you need to speak with your child during the camp day. For special considerations regarding where a camper will need a cell phone at camp, please contact the office to discuss.
Are hand-held games permitted at camp?
Hand-held video games or other electronic games are not permitted at camp. The camp day has a full schedule of enriching and engaging activities so that these are not needed at camp. Camp Coconuts is not responsible for electronics that are lost or broken at camp.
What is your Tax ID number?
Our Tax ID is: 81-1927095
We have zero tolerance for hitting, biting, cursing, and bullying. If your child is involved in any altercation, a parent will be called, and the child will be sent home. Repeated offense(s) will result in suspension or expulsion. No refund will be made if your child is asked to leave camp. We believe all campers should respect their peers and rules. We ask that all parents work with us to make these issues non-existent.
Camp Coconuts 134 Vanderburg Rd. Marlboro, NJ 07746. Camp Coconuts Office 205 Harmony Road Middletown, NJ 07748
Telephone: (732) 856-9473 Email:coachd@campcoconuts.com
Copyright 2012-2025. Camp Coconuts. All rights reserved. Summer camps for kids.
Camp Coconuts is the premier summer day camp for kids ages 3-15 in Monmouth County, New Jersey with swim lessons, athletics, arts, and more!
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