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Learn to Swim 3-5 Years Old 

Swim lessons at camp! As part of your camper's programming in grades Pre-K & K, campers will receive group swim lessons at camp taught in a fun, engaging way!

The Camp Coconuts swim lesson program is based on the American Red Cross preschool aquatics program, which aims to promote developmentally appropriate learning of fundamental water safety and aquatic skills.

Campers will be presented with aquatic and safety skills in a logical progression. Safety topics include: swimming by a lifeguard chair, buddy swimming, pool rules, wearing a lifejacket, and sun safety.  

The three levels in the Camp Coconuts Preschool Aquatics Program mirror the first three levels in the American Red Cross Learn to Swim Program. Young campers will be taught using games and toys during instruction.  All levels of our Preschool Aquatics Program are designed to streamline advancement and help them to become confident swimmers.  Lessons are approximately 30-40 minutes. Later in during the camp day, campers will have a free swim to practice their skills and have fun in the water with their friends!

 Level 1—Introduction to Water Skills

  • Enter and exit the water safely
  • Submerge mouth, nose, and eyes
  • Exhale underwater through mouth and nose
  • Open eyes underwater, pick up submerged object
  • Change direction while walking or paddling
  • Roll over from front to back and back to front with support
  • Explore floating on front and back with support
  • Explore swimming on front and back using arm and leg actions with support
  • Use a life jacket

Level 2—Fundamental Aquatic Skills

  • Submerge entire head
  • Blow bubbles submerging the head in a rhythmic pattern (bobbing)
  • Opening your eyes underwater, pick up a submerged object in shallow water
  • Float on front and back
  • Perform front and back glide
  • Change the direction of travel paddling on the front or back
  • Roll over from front to back, back to front
  • Tread water using arm and leg motions (chest-deep water)
  • Swim on the front, back, and side using combined arm and leg actions
  • Move in the water while wearing a life jacket

Level 3—Stroke Development

  • Jump into deep water from the side
  • Dive from kneeling or standing position
  • Submerge and retrieve an object in chest-deep water
  • Bob, with the head fully submerged
  • Rotary breathing in a horizontal position
  • Perform front and back glide using two different kicks
  • Float on front and back in deep water
  • Change from horizontal to vertical position on front and back
  • Tread water using hand and leg movements
  • Perform front and back crawl
  • Butterfly—kick and body motion
  • Perform the HELP and Huddle position